Dear Servant of God, Orthodox Patriarchate of Antioch,
Time, of this age, is very short, much is not finished and Life is at risk. “There is violence in Heaven and the violent take it by force.” There is good reason to believe that the terms “violence” and the “violent” are of two distinctly different spirits found within hearts, the desires, of men. Likewise, just as men are created in the image of God, He also has desire: the alignment of His and ours actually does/can mean much.
Ignorance, confusion and societal chaos are the outcome of trusted men who ignore what God asks and desires! Did He not personally express one of His, possibly greatest, desires openly for us to hear as He was preparing Himself for the cross, “I pray (ask) that you be one”?
Do His servants care enough to sincerely consider how long the Church has encouraged division and chaos by internal conflict? Gaze about the world. Where is the flock? Where are obedient, effective servants? “I pray you be one”!
Is not the type of the violence that our Lord mentioned and grumbles about even yet within the fabric of the Church? Why?
Hint: Entire continents have been discovered since Ecumenical Council described how to partition administration of the Church.
Hint: There is a reason why the Roman empire is stumbling. Reconsider and remove the preeminence of the Bishop of Rome.
Hint: Reconsider Nicene Creed to eliminate the potential of continued political dispute by going back to original wording “and we believe in the Lord, the Holy Spirit, the Giver of Life.”
This is because “proceeds from the Father,” a truth from the Gospel of John, has unfortunately been intentionally distorted within the Nicene Creed to create an ongoing and devastating political wedge between Roman and Orthodox Catholics. Why is there even a reason to make a separate distinction or remark about internal contention???!
Time, of this age, is very short. Servants had better figure out ‘what God desires’ very soon. Does anyone know what a bulldozer is? This is not a desire of God who is sovereign and not pleased by the manner in which servants do not hear Him. Servants should know their tasks.”
You are strongly encouraged to read the lesson, which accompanies this letter, because although recorded by a mere student, the entire thread of the story-line is a true account, divinely authored by God, who makes rocks bark. Listen to God, hear Him. He can easily replace those who don’t.
I will do nothing unless I let my servants know.” You, and those within your sphere of influence, are now sufficiently informed. Understand what this means!
A Barking Field Stone
The analysis in this article was spot-on. The author’s approach was both clear and engaging. I’m curious to see how others feel about these ideas. What do you think?
Thank you for your positive feedback. We all have roles we are asked to fulfill by our Father who loves us.
This piece was both informative and engaging. I particularly enjoyed the way the author broke down the subject matter. It sparked a lot of ideas for me. What do you all think about this?
Thank you, Tracy, for sharing your thoughts. May your ways be guided by our Heavenly Father.