When a guiding document is defended by both good and ill as being correct, then beware. Guile is at play! Is there not an ax-bearing ‘croc’ already quieting truth defenders? That is ‘violence in Heaven’. Trees of Righteousness, what is your role? Quaver, cower, cover…
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Hope & truth
Dear Readers, After much prayer and following heartfelt encouragement, it feels well to address a seemingly, ill-kept path to ‘Heaven’s Door’ through efforts of many, placed into a grace-filled, Holy-spirited blog. Such a blog asks for an active dialog with Readers willing to offer their…
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Ignorance, Chaos, and God’s Desire: A Reflection on Church Divisions
Dear Servant of God, Orthodox Patriarchate of Antioch, Time, of this age, is very short, much is not finished and Life is at risk. “There is violence in Heaven and the violent take it by force.” There is good reason to believe that the terms…
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